
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Decorating the tree 2011

So, we decorated the tree. The tree my inlaws lovingly took the kids up into the mountains on a day that barely reached 18 degrees to cut down. Handy Andy was flying and i was quite happy to stay home with the other babies (ben and my nephew).
 So, even though these pictures kinda look the same each year, i was just reading Jami Nato talk about the importance of  telling your story. I certainly wouldn't want the kids to grow up wondering if we did or didn't decorate in 2011. ;)
Anyone have any tips to convince a 6yr old that his shirt is not a tasty treat??
Madeline's favorite ornament this year was a little glass bunny from grandma
And Sophie's was her new glass wiener doggie...IN a bun. completely made her christmas. :)

This is a picture of me and my most-ugly childhood ornament. I find it amazing that this ornament has made it all these years...probably just to taunt me. I think i was 3 and going through the most awkward stage in my life...well, 18 was actually an extremely awkward age too...Anyway, I had just cut my own hair the day before this preschool picture was taken and i was honestly kinda hideous. My Sister had her picture taken the same day. We coordinated with our lovely brown dresses except she looked absolutely adorable. Long, curled hair, sweet little smiling face. No "marshmallow" cheeks as EVERYONE called them and no "grumpy bear" attitude.
Here's another true story for you: One of my mom's best friends made us adorable CareBear ornaments that same year because like any good 80's kid we loved CareBears. Well, this awkward age of mine went hand in hand with my grumpy phase. So, what bear did she make me?  "GrumpyBear" of course and for Sister, she made "Love Bear" or something like that. Sooo, anyway, back to the tree.

Hot Chocolate treat after all their hard work
One of my favorite ornaments when Handy and i were just babies and only had one little kiddo. 


  1. These are such sweet pictures, Sister. And lovely story-telling. :)

  2. I found your blog a month back and I have to tell you how much I love it :) Sweet pictures and I loved the story about the grumpy bear ;) BTW...if you find a solution for the shirt chewing, please pass it on. At this rate, I will have no 5/6 year old hand me downs because they are all chewed to bits :(

  3. Loved your story! i had an awkward year 2nd grade when I decided I wanted a very short haircut... I looked like a boy with that haircut! whenever the camera and video camera came out, my shirt went over my head or anything I was holding went up in front of my face! anything to hide! In fact I have a Christmas ornament with that haircut that still hangs on my parent's tree each year! You're not the only one if it makes you feel any better!

    Merry Christmas!


  4. Man, doesn't seem like a different life time when you look back to when you only had one child?! I hardly remember what that was like, but it had to have been a breeze haha ;).

  5. Raising Z- thanks so much- you are so nice :)
    Meg- Your story is hilarious. I've made lots of bad haircut choices since my 3yr old days too. :)
    Katie-YES, i don't remember it either...i don't think i enjoyed the calm like i should have! :)

  6. I'm glad I'm not the only one with bad phases in my childhood! 3rd grade was my time--still a little extra baby fat intensified by my need to grow out my bangs--by holding them back in awkward clips and a part down the middle. Thanks for your kind comments on my blog today!

  7. lovely tree and darling family!
    found you through cailan:)
