
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

sick, sick, sick everyone else in the country, we got the flu. and it was a doozy. 
it didn't really occur to me that it was "THE flu" when will came down with a fever the day after christmas. 
maybe i was in denial- we still had another celebration to attend and besides that my out-of-state sister and sister in law were in town and we had big plans.
plans of long chats, girl days, shopping, pedicures, decorating, birthday celebrations, playdates with the cousins.....
all of which most definitely did not include horrendous coughs, fevers, chills, aches, exhaustion, stuffiness and over-all misery. (how's that for drama? ;)
it was a bummer. for everyone.
especially when we realized we had unknowingly infected lots of our family... including my sis and her kiddos and handyandy's family too. sad, sad.

but we did have lots of snuggles...
and we even tried to rally a bit for a new years eve party of soup and sparkling cider...but it was kinda miserable.
except for will who, since he was the first to get it, was also the first to start feeling like himself again. :)
 then, the day before my sis and her family were going to drive back home, they came to our house to spend their last night with us.
this pic on the stairs pretty much sums up how much fun they all had being sick together. ha :)
 nevertheless, it was wonderful to see them... and even though sister and i didn't get to enjoy our big plans, we did manage to make a run to the grocery store for old times sake.

and the kids had a lovely time on the couch being distracted from their coughs and runny noses with early morning cartoons.
 and then we gave them big hugs after breakfast and said good-bye...with a box of kleenex handy.

then finally, several days into january, we started to gradually feel better! and we've been pumping the vitamins and green smoothies ever since. 

christmas 2012

well, we're half way through much as i'm overly ready to move out of december, we have some christmas pics to take care of.  i was uncharacteristically negligent with my picture-taking this christmas...but it pretty much looked like last christmas. the kids are just taller. ;)

the day after our little family christmas at home, we went to Nana's house because my one and only favorite sister and her beautiful family had just arrived from iowa.

and here is the one and only picture of me and my sissy from her 2 week visit here.
all the little cousins..smiling dutifully before opening presents.
story time with nana

christmas #2  with handy andy's wonderful family.

little madeline with one of her most favorite people in all the world- auntie bethany

and the next day we went to my dad's house for christmas #3. well, most of us. will came down with a fever the night before, so he and andrew stayed home.  with all the craziness and chatting with family we rarely get to see, i completely forgot to get my camera out except for this one picture. :(
and that was christmas folks. the day after this pic was taken, we began our 2 week bout with the to come, don't you worry.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

our little family christmas

the saturday before christmas we had our little family celebration.
it started with a fancy cinnamon roll breakfast. :)

 followed by a few presents.
 the kids picked names for secret santa with each other this year. it was such a great opportunity for them to take their minds off themselves for a bit and they really had a blast with it.

 After presents and some playing we got dressed and headed outside to drop off little treats to our neighbors. It was especially sweet to be invited in by our 2 elderly couples on our street for a little chat in their homes.
 In the evening we went on a christmas light hunt, followed with hot cocoa at Starbucks.
 madeline with the starbucks bunny :)
 such a sweet, low-key day with our little family.