
Sunday, August 21, 2011


**I know other people's vacation pictures aren't exactly the most fascinating to look at, but like i've said before, this blog might be the only "scrapbook" my family ever has, so, just scroll through them quickly.;)

For Will's 6th Birthday Andy and i decided to take him on a quick California adventure. He had never flown on a big plane and since his daddy is a pilot and all, we thought it was about time. So, we made arrangements with our wonderful grandparents to take care of the other 3, put ourselves on stand-by tickets and hoped for the best. Amazingly, we got on the first flight, Andy and Will even got to sit by each other and we arrived in CA by 9:30am.

Will's primary wish was to see the ocean, but then his Nana offered to give a day in Disneyland to him for his, we got off the plane, our super fabulous friends picked us up and let us take their car to the Magical Kingdom. 

This was Andy's first visit to Disneyland as well which made it even more fun.

The jungle cruise was our first ride and Will kept this expression the entire time- except when he was truly ducking to get away from the dangerous hippos and other wild animals. Afterwards, we had a big talk about animatronics which definitely cleared up some things for him. ;)

His favorite part of disneyland was, by far, everything pirate related. Although, he was extremely reluctant to go on Pirates of the Caribbean, and we started feeling like bad parents for pushing him to go through with it. Thankfully though, he had a great time and now calls it his "favorite ride ever" and wants to go on it 5 times in a row the next time we're at Disneyland. 

We stayed all day, watched the parade and the fireworks, went on nearly all the rides and didn't leave the park until closing. It was a great day with lots of memories. Then we drove our friends' car back to their house and stayed the night with them. We are SO thankful for the blessing of such wonderful friends who hosted us all 3 days!

The rest of our little vacation was spent just hanging out, shopping, relaxing and playing at the beach. 
Will absolutely loved his first ocean experience. He was adorable.

On our way home!


  1. what a very special trip! the beaches look so beautiful there (clean!!). So glad you all got to go.

  2. So SO fun!!! These are awesome pics and it looks like you guys had a blast. :)

  3. Will you take me to California next time? : )

  4. oh those were wonderful pictures! I used to live in orange county CA and your pictures made me a little nostalgic. Sounds like you and your family had a great time :)

  5. I grew up in Ventura County and the beach and Disneyland are two of my favorite places. How fun! Your swim suit is so cute! I like that it's more modest than most. Do you mind telling me where you got it?

  6. You all are so nice to look at these pics. ;)
    Ellie- my swimsuit is from Garnet Hill at the end of last season when they went on might be the time to find one! :)
