
Friday, August 5, 2011

it's OUR birthday!

My birthday has always been my favorite holiday (i know, how much more self-centered can i get?!) so when our first baby's due date was set for August 5th- MY birthday, i wasn't quite sure how i'd feel about sharing the spotlight. Either way, on my 22nd birthday, 6 years ago my sweet little Will was born and he was indeed the best birthday gift ever. And i think sharing the day has been good for us both. 

Here's the card i found on my pillow that he had made for me last night all on his own.

Here's Handy Andy and Will about to leave on their annual "Birthday Breakfast Bike Ride". Will looks forward to this all year long. Even though A. had to leave on a trip at lunchtime, fitting this tradition in made all the difference for this birthday boy.
Awwww, our little SIX year old!!

After the boys got back i had to make a few quick errands to get food for Andy's trip. While i was away,  this fabulous banner was created. I don't think i'll ever want to take it down. :)

And mostly for my own information since my memory is super horrible, here's what we did the rest of the day:
*Said good-bye to Daddy *Ate lunch *Got out the slip n slide, realized it had too many holes to inflate and spray properly. Dealt with LOTS of tears about the situation, found some baby shampoo and a sprinkler head, tried to convince the devastated birthday boy that the S&S would still work, had a certain little girl poop in her swimsuit, finally everyone gave it a try and had fun in the water * Had quiet times, *Read books *Watched a show *had a picnic snack dinner on the living room floor *picked up our CSA fruit share, *Went to get Frozen Yogurt with our cousins, Got balloons AND a discount for our bdays *picked up a Redbox kids movie *Made popcorn, put Ben to bed, watched movie, *Bedtime, this involved crying (girl drama crying to be exact)


  1. What a day! Happy birthday to both of you!

  2. That card is so precious! And the banner, completely lovely.
    But remember your b-day is NOT over - we still have some celebrating to do! :)

  3. I would love to know where you got the kids bike that attached to your husband's bike.

  4. So many people have asked about that, unfortunately, we got it at a garage i'm not sure where to find one. i would probably just call a specialized bike store and see if they have any leads. :)
