
Thursday, August 11, 2011


Have you made popsicles yet this summer?! They have been on our summer list and so, as much as i dislike the ALL-OVER sticky mess that comes with it, we finally made some. And they are yummy. And fun. And worth it. :)
Here's what you need for our  Orange Cream "recipe"

*Little plastic "bathroom cups"
*Popsicle sticks
*A banana, sliced into medium thick slices
*Orange juice
*Yogurt, plain or flavored

1) Have kids stick a popsicle stick into a banana slice. And place in bottom of cup. This way the sticks stand up in the cup!
2) If you are using plain yogurt add a little honey, sugar or agave syrup to sweeten. Then fill half of cup with the yogurt
3) Fill the rest up with oj
4) Place cups in a baking dish and stick in freezer for several hours. We discovered that they take a bit longer to freeze inside the dish but it does help to prevent sticky spills all over the freezer.
5) When firm to touch, gently squeeze the bottom of the plastic cup and your popsicle will POP right out. :)

 Do you have an easy popsicle recipe to share?? There are a few more weeks left in summer and i'm sure the kids are going to ask to do this again. :)

Don't you LOVE this mouth-full-of-summer-goodness face. :)

linking to Just a Girl


  1. I just love your blog!!! I came over from Captivating Motherhood and plan to stay. :) I'm reading down your list of posts now.....loving all of it. Cute kiddos!! Fun activities. Love the chalkboard lists... :)

  2. oooh I want one!! They look so good! :)

  3. Hey, I have some of those cups! I just need to me some popsicle sticks! Love that you don't need a mold to make these. I don't have any excuse not to try it now :).
