
Monday, August 15, 2011

Shelves Organized!

Welllll, remember these lovely little peeks into the disastrous state of our "plool"room (this, btw, is handy andy's new name for the play/school room. isn't he clever..) Anyway, I'm very happy to show you a picture of some real progress. i have a feeling some of you might have been a bit concerned. Now, you can see for yourself that progress is being made. [at least on this side of the room] ;) 

Here is the before of our shelf area with some handy arrows highlighting the most obvious problems
Now granted, this picture was taken at the worst of this shelf's disfunction. But even at its best, it still looked cluttered. Even after i put labels on every plastic bin (which i thought would surely solve the problem) it still looked cluttered and i couldn't exactly figure out why. old friend who also happens to be a professional organizer (how did i become friends with her?!) happened to mention the term "white space" to me.  Do you all know about this??

My bins were clear- which means even though all the stuff was organized and nicely contained AND had nice little labels, the shelves still looked cluttered because there wasn't any solid "white space". Well...that's about all i know about it, but just knowing this much has helped my naturally unorganized brain a TON. 

So. Here's.....the AFTER:
Yay for progress! Can't wait to show you the rest...

linking to life made lovely


  1. Yea for organization! It's definitely needing to be done at my house, too... seems like I always feel that way this time of the year.

  2. Your before picture looks better than my shelves look right now!! Inspiring!

  3. Oh I just love a well organized closet! Yay, great job!

  4. White space - what a concept! It looks wonderful, Meagan!

  5. Wow, it looks great! And I just love the arrows and comments on your pictures, it makes me feel like we're having a conversation:) I organized our bookshelf yesterday but now I need to go back and reevaluate the "white space". Thanks for sharing all your tricks.

  6. I just found those green crates at target for 3.49ish, and I love them! So cute, you can still see a little bit, yet stuff is still hidden mostly. I bought 4, but i wanna go back for more!
