
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Stay Connected!

Hello this is Andy!

I just wanted to point out a couple features - some old, some new - that will allow you keep up with our blog! Look to the left---------->

You'll see an old option "follow us by email" that sends you a handy dandy email when we add something new. Below it is a new option for those tech savvy users of RSS readers - just click on the option you'd like to subscribe to and viola` meg+andy will pop up in your reader!

I have been long absent, but do not fear, there will be some new posts from me in the nearer future...
maybe? :-)


1 comment:

  1. Great post, Andrew!

    Have you ever tried a polarizing filter? That lets your lens 'see through' glass or water (e.g. while window shopping, or trout fishing).

    Love that song; remember it well.

    Heidi (Too HOT in KS)
