Tuesday, March 29, 2011

painted brick

Spring is in the air and with it is the itch to freshen things up a bit. And lately, whenever i think of "freshening up" i think of things to paint. Sometimes this makes Handy Andy a little nervous but usually he's a real good sport about it.  Last Spring we tackled our icky brick fireplace and built-in shelves.
Click here for some details. This year, the exterior of our house is in need fresh paint and with it i'm hoping to also paint the brick.  Here's how we look now:
This is a close-up of the same icky-colored brick that was on our fireplace. 
 I'm not sure what colors, white seems to be pretty popular but maybe a light gray might be nice. We also want to paint and or replace the shutters.... Anyway, here are some of the inspiration pics i've been collecting. Do you have any color suggestions??

House #1 before
#1 after

(source unknown)

House #2 before

#2 after

House #3 before
house #3 after

house # 4 before
house # 4 After- this one is my favorite. isn't it lovely?!


this last house is just a great example of what a difference paint can do to brighten indoor brick as well.


Anonymous said...

i love how you call them inspiration pics - i have an entire folder of pictures called "inspirations" where I am collecting pictures for the house that we're trying to buy...hopefully soon! I can't believe the transformation in these last 2 pictures - totally different!!! Can't wait to see your house:)

Cailan said...

Wow, I forgot what a complete transformation your living room went through! And painting your house is so exciting - can't wait to see what you decide on! Love, Sister

lesley grace said...

Meagan I think painting the brick and shutters is a great idea! I do like white and the last house I think with the white brick and cream shutters is my fav too. Good luck! Can't wait to see what you decide!
Lesley Grace

Mud Pie Studio said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love yours! You B&A living room is GREAT. Love what you did to the fireplace and mantle. Especially like the touches of green. Looks great. Can't wait to see pics of a GRAY room! =)

Unknown said...

I love the before and after fireplace pics! What a huge difference paint can make!

alat bantu pria said...

wao very interesting fellow. such a beautiful writer. he .....

Caitlin Daniels said...

I love the idea of painting your house and think white or light gray would look great.